vrijdag 20 juni 2014

Inspiration Day | BALK Net

Check out inspiration day with Merel Martens and Peder Karlsson on september 27th in Utrecht!

Inspiration Day | BALK Net

vrijdag 23 mei 2014

Dutch Organic Choir!

Here we are, heading towards the summer of 2014 and it has been way too long since I wrote my last blog. But here I am, with great news!

Next year I'll be entering my second and last year of the master choir conducting in Denmark, and therefore I have to create a massive 'Master's Project'. Since I have been inspired and influenced a lot by Peder Karlsson, I decided to go with his thoughts and make them into a cool project. Peder told me about his ideas for an 'Organic Choir', about two months ago and I loved the idea of involving many people in the actual musicmaking and decision process. Therefore, Peder Karlsson and Merel Martens present: 'Dutch Organic Choir'!

Check out all of the info here: http://www.therealacademy.se/mod/resource/view.php?id=1244

I would really like to hear your thoughts and opinion on this project, so please leave a comment. You can also visit me on facebook and twitter, and talk along.

For applying for the audition in september, go to:
